Determination of Ph Using Ph Meter
Add a drop or two or bromcresol green indicator to each. PH is measured using pH meter which comprises a detecting unit consisting of a glass electrode reference electrode usually a calomel electrode connected by KCl Bridge to the pH sensitive. Pin On Ph Meter Calibration It was introduced by a Danish chemist Soren Peder Lauritz Sorensen. . This is determined using a scale ranging from 0-14 called the pH scale. Use your pH meter to determine the pH of each of these four solutions. PH determination of any fluid can be tested using as shown above test strips and below video. Substances with pH lower than 7 are acidic. There is a device known as the pH meter which is used to determine the pH level of a substance. The methods for measuring pH fall roughly into the following four categories. PH meter is a device that is used to determine the pH level of any substance or solution. PH measurement is a routine yet...